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How to prevent common sports injuries and physical limitations
Course Promo (0:54)
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Course Overview (2:04)
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Gal's Profesional Bio
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Shoulder and arm Muscles
Subclavius (0:37)
Deltoid - posterior, lateral and anterior (1:04)
Subscapularis (0:51)
Infraspinatus (1:01)
Brachiallis (0:45)
Neck Muscles
Sternocleidomastoid (0:43)
Deep neck flexors - Longus Coli and Longus Capitis (0:30)
Back Muscles
Rhomboids (1:27)
Lower trapezius (0:50)
Serratus Anterior (1:00)
Latissimus dorsi (1:22)
Abdominal (Stomach) Muscles
Abdominal Transverse (0:49)
Abdominal Obliques (internal and external) (1:05)
Pelvic and Hip Muscles
Gluteus Maximus (0:48)
Gluteus Medius (1:09)
Hip Lateral Rotators (1:04)
Iliopsoas (0:56)
Upper Leg Muscles
Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL) (0:47)
Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO) (0:53)
Lower Leg Muscles
Flexor Halucis Longus (FHL) (0:47)
Flexor Digitrorum Longus (FDL) (0:45)
Tibialis Posterior (1:10)
Dynamic Alignment and Balance
Single Legged Squat (1:20)
Single Hip Elevation (1:06)
Coordinative Toes Standing (1:06)
Coordinated Squat (1:07)
Upper Body Stretches
Pectoralis Major (0:50)
Cervical Thoracic Junction (1:14)
Reversing kyphosis (0:45)
Neck extensors (0:42)
Ribs Cage (0:54)
Lower Body Stretches
Hip flexors (1:41)
Hamstrings (0:54)
Achilles Tendon and Lower Leg (1:05)
Final Words
Closing the course...and what next? (0:13)
Pectoralis Major
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